If you failed to appear on a criminal charge then you are likely charged with a failure to appear charge under the rules of criminal procedure in your state (or federally). The info for arrests is pulled from NCIC and it depends on the type of promise to appear/failure to appear whether there would be a record or not. I only have experience with secret and ts backgrounds, but I would assume they are all similar. Security clearance backgrounds on the other hand should catch them. Pistol permits vary state to state, and often non-felony arrests may not disqualify you. Hopefully this helps a few people get their Global Entry a bit faster! The github page does a decent job to help you get it running. Running the script requires some familiarity with programming, but certainly nothing too in-depth. I simply stumbled across it when I was going through the GE application process myself. Using this script, both my girlfriend and I scheduled interviews within two weeks of applying for GE! Originally we would have been waiting close to three months. Here's a script that will monitor the GE website for cancelations at your specified airport, allowing you to reschedule your own interview for much sooner. The biggest hurdle for most people to get GE is simply the timeline as it can take months to get an interview slot.

I know this isn't directly related to churning but with the recent frustrations around long TSA security lines and also the influx of Amex Platinum sign-ups ( which I missed out on myself) I figured many people are going through the Global Entry process now. Current & Recent Credit Card Offers - Managed by u/stackingpoints.AmEx MR | Chase UR | Citi TY | Marriott.